Tuesday, December 30, 2014

When Your Body's In Trouble...

I have posted about the uniquely talented Mary Margaret O'Hara previously on Spools, but when you have made an album of such quality as Miss America I fell a second post is justified. To someone who had never heard Miss America I wouldn't really know where to start, it really is that unique and hard to pigeonhole. To say that Miss America is quirky is like saying that Julian cope is a bit odd. I've seen her described as being like "an epileptic Edith Piaf" which is a tad offensive but kinda sums her up (in a good way). It’s hardly the work of a conventional singer songwriter, with odd jerky rhythms and her aching crack of a voice lending an adventurous edge to the eleven tracks on her debut, and only, album. Miss America is an album whose unique amalgam of jazz, country, rock, and folk and pop styles takes some getting used to, but once you get it there is no going back. Still for me one of the best albums recorded by anyone, it would be great if 2015 saw some new material from Mary Margaret, but I won't hold my breath...

Body's In Trouble


  1. My favourite track of hers, just great and always good to hear. 26 years old - scary.

  2. The Swede - hard to believe that it was 26 years ago, my I suddenly feel old...
    CC- Happy New Year to you, hope you have a great 2015...
